the joys of not mommy blogging

i admit it; i’m afraid to do more than peek at a few lines from the avalanche of mommy bloggers.   while i can easily endorse any kind of bonding over the pitfalls, successes, quirks, and insights about the process of bringing children into adulthood, each mommy blogger invariably tries to cheerfully defend a few…

unsolicited advice for the ya’s (young adults)

a couple of items possibly worth lodging in a corner of your skulls.. whatever you yearn for in life, due to some yet undiscovered reason, it’s often best to tell that massive urge to shut up. you will eventually get what you want, or else a decent substitution for it, but the diagram usually goes…

take the challenge

most people know the value of exercise, how being more ambulatory results in more health all around, and results in less physical roundness; it promotes cheerier attitudes and better clarity of thought.  yet we as a species don’t often partake in any sort of thought exercises (aside from hideous, terrifying things like upper level math),…

dmsr (dance music sex romance)*

i observed one enormous facial cringe today emanating from a young adolescent, with the subject one of those famous-for-being-famous celebrities (i.e. miley cyrus).  the discussion revolved around  a cherished ‘pre-twerk’ holiday ornament that was not longer wanted and now reviled.  various possible reasons include the shunning of anything remotely connected to little girldom and childhood,…